Wholesale importer of household chemicals, cosmetics, personal care products, and baby diapers from multiple European countries
We are Global Trade UA, importers of household chemicals! We have been working for 6 years, growing rapidly and dynamically. We are developing sales throughout Ukraine through various sales channels! And today we are looking for a manager in the procurement department with knowledge of Italian!
What we will need to do:
• Entering data into 1C (product status, supplier orders)
• Placing goods on arrival in the database
• Creating a product range
• Controlling payments and maintaining a payment calendar
• Generating reports, new product proposals, and tables for presentations
• Monitoring inventory and ensuring their timely provision in the warehouse;
• Interaction with other departments of the company
• Negotiating with suppliers.
We offer:
• Competitive and timely compensation!
• Development!
• Paid vacation and discounts on our products!
• Work in a cozy office, delicious coffee and work in a team of professionals!
Call and find out the details 0672174775 Ivanna Protsyk, HR
Wholesale importer of household chemicals, cosmetics, personal care products, and baby diapers from multiple European countries
We value strong, trustworthy, open, and long-term cooperation with our business partners, clients, and team
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Wholesale importer of household chemicals, cosmetics, personal care products and baby diapers from many European countries
Answer a few questions in the attached file. After filling in the answers, send it to us at global.trade.ua@gmail.com
Завантажити опитувальник
Оптовий імпортер побутової хімії, косметики, засобів особистої гігієни та дитячих підгузок з багатьох європейських країн